Mar Reguant (10/18/17)

Mar Reguant

Northwestern University

Title: “Measuring Leakage Risk” (joint with Meredith Fowlie)

Abstract: When a policy regulating greenhouse gas emissions applies to only a subset of emitting sources, a policy-induced shift in economic activity to unregulated sources can substantially undermine policy effectiveness via emissions “leakage”. Output-based rebating of compliance costs has emerged as a preferred approach to mitigating this leakage risk. Output-based rebates, which act as a production subsidy, have potentially significant implications for both economic efficiency and the distribution of policy impacts. It is therefore important to judiciously target these subsidies to those industries truly at leakage risk. We provide a theoretically sound basis for deriving industry-specific, output-based subsidies under different policy objective functions. We show how the optimal industry-specific subsidies depend on both emissions intensity and the responsiveness of trade flows to policy-induced changes in domestic production. Using rich transaction and firm-level data from the U.S. Census, we calibrate industry-specific, output-based subsidies for manufacturing sectors in the United States. We assess the efficiency and distributional implications of implementing a domestic carbon policy with and without these leakage mitigation provisions.

Laura Bakkensen (10/4/17)

Laura Bakkensen

The University of Arizona

Title: “Estimating Heterogeneous Preferences to Avoid Flood Risk and the Implications for Disaster Exposure” (Joint with Lala Ma)

Abstract: Flooding remains one of the costliest natural disasters in the United States. Key policy questions arise regarding potential heterogeneity in Marginal Willingness to Pay (MWTP) to avoid flood risk. Using house sales across Florida in 2010, we build a discrete choice, residential sorting model to estimate heterogeneous household preferences to avoid flood risk. We employ a boundary discontinuity design (BDD) to control for potentially confounding, yet unobserved, flood risk correlates. In addition, we account for pricing of National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) premiums by incorporating household-level flood risk and subsidies, which, if ignored, may bias MWTP estimates. We find evidence of heterogeneous sorting based on home buyer race and income. We then utilize our model to estimate policy counterfactuals. Understanding heterogeneity in preferences for such risks is key to assessing the extent to which vulnerable sub-populations systematically sort into higher risk areas. In addition to providing new valuation estimates for flood risk, our results have implications for the distributional impacts of US natural disaster policies and its potential role in exacerbating inequitable flood risk exposure in the US.

Jing Li (9/20/17)

Jing Li

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Compatibility and Investment in the U.S. Electric Vehicle Market”

Abstract: Competing standards often proliferate in the early years of product markets, potentially leading to socially inefficient investment. This paper studies the effect of compatibility in the U.S. electric vehicle market, which has grown tenfold in its first five years but has three incompatible standards for charging stations. I develop and estimate a structural model of consumer vehicle choice and car manufacturer investment that demonstrates the ambiguous impact of mandating compatibility standards on market outcomes and welfare. Compatibility may benefit consumers by providing access to all existing charging stations. However, firms may cut back on their investments because the benefits from one firm’s investments spill over to rivals. Firm response in investment may erode consumer gains from compatibility. I estimate my model using U.S. data from 2011 to 2015 on vehicle registrations and charging station investment and identify demand elasticities with variation in federal and state subsidy policies. Counterfactual simulations show that mandating compatibility in charging standards would decrease duplicative investment in charging stations by car manufacturers and increase the size of the electric vehicle market.

Catherine Wolfram (9/6/17)

Catherine Wolfram

University of California, Berkeley

“Is Rural Electrification Worth It? Experimental Evidence from Kenya” (Joint with Ken Lee and Ted Miguel)

Abstract: Over a billion people live without electricity in their homes, and many development initiatives are prioritizing rural electrification programs. Much of the existing evidence on the impacts of rural electrification comes from non-experimental studies. The estimated impacts vary dramatically, which could reflect heterogeneous treatment effects, invalid identification strategies, or a combination of the two. We present results from a field experiment in which we offered randomly selected households one of three levels of subsidies to connect to the electricity grid, including a 100 percent subsidy for a third of treated households. After approximately 18 months with an electricity connection, estimated treatment effects across most pre-specified major measures (including household consumption, assets, health, and children’s test scores) are almost all small and insignificantly different from zero. Complementary evidence on appliance acquisitions and electricity usage suggest that treated households did not use much electricity. We also show that nearby households appear similarly unaffected by their neighbors’ connections. On the other hand, we find some evidence consistent with heterogeneous treatment effects. Specifically, households who were offered partial subsidies seemed to experience greater gains from an electricity connection. For example, female labor force participation increased by almost 10 percent at the partial subsidy households.

Solomon Hsiang (8/23/17)

Solomon Hsiang

University of California, Berkeley

“The Marginal Product of Climate” (Joint with Tatyana Deryugina)

Abstract: We develop an empirical approach to value marginal changes to a climate in terms of total market output given optimal factor allocations in general equilibrium. Our approach fully accounts for unobservable heterogeneity as well as all costs and benefits of adaptation in climates of arbitrary dimension. Importantly, we use the Envelope Theorem to show that the marginal product of a probabilistic long-run climate can be exactly identified using only idiosyncratic weather realizations. We apply this approach to the temperature climate of the modern United States and find that, despite evidence that populations have adapted to their local climates, the marginal product of climate has remained unchanged during 1970-2010, with the highest temperatures having the lowest net value. Capital investments associated with urbanization are important but incomplete substitutes for mild temperatures. Integration of marginal products allows us to construct a value function for climate up to a constant, allowing valid causal, non-marginal, cross-sectional and climate change comparisons net of all re-optimization using existing adaptation technologies. In our preferred specification, we estimate that, for example, the climate of Northern Minnesota returns over $2,000 per capita more annually than the climate of Southern Texas. Using a 3% discount rate, the NPV of “business as usual” warming (RCP8.5) until 2100 in the median scenario is a loss of $6.7 trillion. Full Paper


Joseph Shapiro (4/19/17)

Joseph Shapiro (4/19/17)

Joseph Shapiro

Yale University

“Consequences of the Clean Water Act and the Demand for Water Quality”

Abstract: Since the 1972 U.S. Clean Water Act, government and industry have invested over $1 trillion to abate water pollution, or $100 per person-year. Over half of U.S. stream and river miles, however, still violate pollution standards. We use the most comprehensive set of files ever compiled on water pollution and its determinants, including 50 million pollution readings from 170,000 monitoring sites and a network model of all U.S. rivers, to study water pollution’s trends, causes, and welfare consequences. We have three main findings. First, water pollution concentrations have fallen substantially. Between 1972 and 2001, for example, the share of waters safe for fishing grew by 11 percentage points. Pollution was declining at even faster rates before 1972. Second, the Clean Water Act’s grants to municipal wastewater treatment plants, which account for $680 billion in expenditure, caused some of these declines. Through these grants, it cost around $1.5 million (2014 dollars) to make one river-mile fishable for a year. We find little displacement of municipal expenditure due to a federal grant. Third, the grants’ estimated effects on housing values are about a fourth of the grants’ costs; we carefully discuss welfare implications. Full Paper

James Stock (4/5/17)

James Stock (4/5/17)

James Stock

Harvard University

“Cost Pass-Through to Higher Ethanol Blends at the Pump: Evidence from Minnesota Gas Station Data” and “RIN Pass-Through at Gasoline Terminals”

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Martin Weitzman (3/17/17)

Martin Weitzman (3/17/17)

Martin Weitzman

Harvard University

“On a World Climate Assembly and the Social Cost of Carbon”

Abstract: This paper postulates the conceptually useful allegory of a futuristic “World Climate Assembly” (WCA) that votes for a single worldwide price on carbon emissions via the basic democratic principle of one-person one-vote majority rule.  If this WCA framework can be accepted in the first place, then voting on a single internationally-binding minimum carbon price (the proceeds from which are domestically retained) tends to counter self-interest by incentivizing countries or agents to internalize the externality.  I attempt to sketch out the sense in which each WCA-agent’s extra cost from a higher emissions price is counter-balanced by that agent’s extra benefit from inducing all other WCA-agents to simultaneously lower their emissions in response to the higher price.    The first proposition of this paper derives a relatively simple formula relating each emitter’s single-peaked most-preferred world price of carbon emissions to the world “Social Cost of Carbon” (SCC).  The second and third propositions relate the WCA-voted world price of carbon to the world SCC.  I argue that the WCA-voted price and the SCC are unlikely to differ sharply.  Some implications are discussed.  The overall methodology of the paper is a mixture of mostly classical with some behavioral economics. Full Paper

Wolfram Schlenker (3/15/17) – Cancelled

Wolfram Schlenker (3/15/17) – Cancelled

Wolfram Schlenker

Columbia University

“Ground-Level Ozone and Corn Yields in the United States”

Abstract: US Corn yields have been growing exponentially since 1950. Technological breakthroughs (new varieties, fertilizer, machinery) have traditionally been identified as key driver of this growth. In the last 25 years (1990-2014), yields have grown at an average rate of 1.5% per year. While a warming climate is predicted to decrease yields over the next decade, projections are net of any trend, which have been treated as exogenous. Understanding the drivers of this trend is crucial for future food security. We provide new empirical evidence that there exists a nonlinear effect of ozone on US corn yields. Our county-level panel analysis links observed historic corn yields to various air pollution measures constructed from finescaled hourly pollution monitor data. We find a statistically significant critical threshold of 65 ppb for hourly daytime ozone, above which yields decline linearly in ozone. This is considerably higher than the 40 ppb threshold derived in controlled experiments that is used as a standard in Europe. Our linear exposure model gives superior yield predictions than the newly proposed secondary standard W126 by EPA. The reduction in peak ozone levels over the 25years is responsible for 44% of the observed trend in average corn yields. Further reductions will have no yield effect as peak ozone is now below 65ppb. A back-of-the envelope calculation reveals that the elimination of peak ozone have reduced global food prices of the four basic stale crops by roughly 10% and increased consumer surplus of these commodities by 100billion annually. While US farmers have seen increased yields, the reduction in prices offset these gains. Farmers outside the US lost through lower prices.